If you choose to develop your campaign “offline”, one low-budget and striking way to do so can be to invest directly in the public spaces of the city, by putting up printed posters for example. Put yourself where people can see you, in crowded places and on public transport, as well as in different neighbourhoods, including the most peripheral ones. By exposing yourself to a broad target audience, you are more likely to reach out to those citizens who most need to be challenged on their prejudices. They may not be convinced right away to abandon their stereotypical views, but you might manage to question them or to start a debate with them.

Find strategic locations

Carefully decide which areas you want to target: depending on your communication goal and targets, you might want for example to act in central or peripheral neighbourhoods.

The Youth Activist Toolkit lists a series of tips for building a campaign in public places, such as:

  • Make sure to check to see if any permits are required;
  • Notify the press;
  • Arrange for a supporter to capture photos, video, or a livestream of the action and people’s response to it. Share the responses on social media.

Communication of Local AuthoRities for INtegration in European Towns


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This project was funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
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The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.