CLARINET aims to raise awareness among EU citizens of the contribution migrants make to their societies.
The project intends to:

Identify and promote the good practices of local authorities in public communication campaigns on migration and integration at EU level

Empower local border authorities to implement successful evidence-based public communication campaigns on migration and integration through on-the-job training and support

The project will:

Develop the “European Award for local authorities’ public communication campaigns on migration and integration”

Produce the “Positive Storytelling Kit on Migration and Integration for Local Authorities”

Implement 8 training programmes for Local Authorities looking at how to talk about migration and integration in their local territories

Set up 8 residences for artists within the territories involved

Design and promote 8 communication campaigns on migration carried out by the Local Authorities involved

The CLARINET project is led by the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa, which collaborates with a multi stakeholder partnership composed of 7 other Local Authorities located in border areas (border LAs), 9 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based in 8 EU countries, and 2 international networks.

Communication of Local AuthoRities for INtegration in European Towns


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This project was funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
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The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.